Monday, March 19, 2012

Trump Tower Mosaic

I was taking a picture of the inside of the new #Toronto Trump Tower and the concierge was very friendly and invited me in to see the immense tile artwork that curves around the wall. He told me all about the art and suggested I go inside to take a look, unfortunately I did not have enough time to take him up on his kind offer - maybe next time.
From far away it looks like a blurry crowd of people, at first I thought it was made from carpet, but up close you can see the light hitting the tiles change, it looks like it is moving. The half a million tiles in the mosaic mural are made from various materials including glass and porcelain with a few gold tiles thrown in for good measure. Created by Canadian artist Stephen Andrews.

I heard a rumour that Donald Trump will return to Toronto by the end of March 2012 to check his new spread.

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