Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chief says No Parking

And someone doesn't like the Chief.
Toronto Police Emergency, No Parking on this side of street. It looks like he doesn't have a fan, and that un-fan has a marker.

In other No Parking sign news..... No P in Your Pants!

Stop the insanity

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1 comment:

Jamie said...

Finding a parking spot is a nightmare for an absolute majority of us. However, it's good to know that parking in Toronto is actually not that bad. It’s rated as one of the best compared to the other big cities of the whole world! Still, 13 minutes, the average time Torontonians spend searching for a parking spot, is awry. Though, it is seven minutes below the average. Sometimes, thinking about this helps me to stay calm...

Doors Open

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Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
