Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hard Rock Guitar

Only the gods of rock can play the giant guitar at the Hard Rock Café on Yonge Street in #Toronto. I have never seen one of the gods play the large red guitar that hangs over the sidewalk on the corner of their building – maybe they are too busy releasing some Kraken. I guess the restaurant has to keep the guitar in tune just in case one of them wants to show up and start playing a couple riffs so they had a company fixing the sign using a cherry picker and a worker high in the bucket.
I think the guitar strings are supposed to light up neon yellow but there was a problem and they wouldn’t all light up.

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1 comment:

Rock guitar and Instrumental Pop Music said...

Looool great article !!

If you love rock guitar, you won't believe this :

Doors Open

Scarborough Bluffs





Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
