Monday, March 04, 2024

Toronto's bull market

It looks like the running of the bull in the Toronto Financial District, just outside Union Station at the corner of Bay and Front Streets. Although this guy is firmly set in place on a rectangular pedestal as a welcome to meat eaters at the the new Blue Bovine Steak and Sushi House, so you can't get gored unless you take a running jump.

The statue is reminiscent of the famous bronze statue in New York but a little smaller in height, like a baby bull - just perfect for Toronto's business area along Bay Street. Plus it very well could be a bull market now. The bull was put in place in late July 2024.
Inside Union Station's east side you can find the Blue Bovine Steak and Sushi House and you are correct, it is not an inexpensive restaurant. But if you are in the mood for some good food check out the restaurant during their happy hour - weekdays from 3 to 6pm where you can find 1/2 price drinks and a special Happy Hour menu while enjoying the art and vibe of the restaurant. We sat at the sushi bar and chowed down on some fabulous food and drink.

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