Sunday, March 04, 2012

Canada's best snowboarders in Toronto

The fast moving athletes gathered at Yonge-Dundas Square as part of the Mountain Do - Do Awesome, Do the Dew, ski and snowboard competition March 2-3, 2012. While they skied down the tiny man-made mountain, full of imported snow, the soft drink maker was giving out hundreds and hundreds of free bottles of the new Mountain Dew Citrus Charge.

See more jumps and crashes after the jump.

Two at a time ride the rails

The invited snowboard riders were Denny Duquette, Mike Chmil, Natalie Allport, Coulton Conway, Jake Fine, Tommy Keith, Catrional Boyd, Alex Beebe, Genny Ross, Stpehen Powling, Josh Blasman, Brad Gauley, Craig Gouweloos, Michael Rotsaert and Mark Goodall. The skiers that were invited were Erik Mortveit, Matthew Wilcox, Mark Yo, Austin Karker, Nevin Metzger, Evan McEachran, Andrew McIver, Reid McEachran and Corey Vanular.

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