Monday, March 19, 2012

Toronto Librarians Strike

CUPE local 4948 Library Workers went to the picket lines on Monday, March 19, 2012 and many strikers gathered at #Toronto City Hall. A rally of CUPE Local 79 workers was scheduled to occur at the same time in support of the librarians and of the upcoming March 20 strike vote by the locals approximately 22,000 members. See photos of the continuing strike here.

The CUPE workers still on the job will be in a legal strike position / lockout position as of 12:01am on Saturday, March 24, 2012 after their contract expired December 31, 2011. CUPE 79 will take a strike vote tomorrow to determine if a strike is an acceptable option for the union as negotiations continue. The City of Toronto statement on the negotiations and possible inside worker strike is as follows. “The City has contingency plans in place to address key City services in the event of a disruption and will communicate those plans at the appropriate time. The City has been bargaining with Local 79 since December and remains committed to negotiating a new collective agreement that is fair, reasonable and affordable while addressing the restrictive terms and conditions of the current agreement.” 
President of the Ontario Federation of Labour Sid Ryan was in Nathan Phillips Square giving interviews and making his support for the workers known as the picketers made a large circle around the union leaders and media in the centre.
Also spotted were a number of hot librarians wearing those sexy glasses, one lady even had a flag with those glasses on it. 
See more picket photos after the jump.

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