Saturday, March 17, 2012

IFAW Seal Hunt Protest

#Toronto Yonge-Dundas Square had a large blowup seal as part of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) protest Day of Action against the Canadian Seal Hunt. The protest demonstration for animal welfare. Toronto Sun's David Menzies covers the event.
"It will be an opportunity to educate yourself about Canada's commercial seal hunt and why it should end.
Between 1pm and 3pm, come visit with "Lucky," IFAW's giant inflatable seal, celebrate the Russian ban on seal products by signing our “Thank you” banner, send an Action Card to the Minster of Fisheries, get a free button or scarf, and ask IFAW staff questions about this important issue. There will even be face painting for the kids! The end of commercial sealing in Canada is near - so come on out and join us!"

Posted by Joe Hamilton.

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