Sunday, March 04, 2012

Improv in #Toronto: Best Busker Song

A lone guitarist stands at the corner of Queen Street West and Bay Street, the wide sidewalk is filled as people pass in the cold. Someone holds a sign saying they will make up a personalized song and sing it to them, for free. And so it begins as Improv in Toronto starts their latest flash mob performance, waiting for someone that wants a song. Few stop and take the bait, but when they do, the magic starts.
First Oliver (photo at top) starts the song, playing the guitar and singing into the mic, as groups of musicians quickly gather in a semi-circle around the victim (one of them is named Maya). The tune is catchy and the mob is enjoyable to watch.
Complete stranger Maya stops and asks Oliver for a song. His lone voice starts the flash mob
Improv Toronto musicians rush from hiding and converge around Oliver
The large group belts out the personalized song for Maya
Maya beams after the experience 

"Maya,  Though we just met, I can tell that you’re pretty cool.
I wanna take a moment to appreciate everything that’s great about you.
Maya, You’re a girl of a different kind, And people must be blind, If they don’t notice you...."
In between performances

See more after the jump.
A song for Cole

The Improv group met at noon in Nathan Phillip Square, going over the song and the game plan before moving over to Old City Hall Courthouse where the majority of the participants hid in the entrance or blended into the crowd.
Gathering and practicing in Nathan Phillips Square

Smile Toronto, sometimes life in the city is fun.

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1 comment:

Mr. Penman said...

Here's the official video from the event.

Doors Open

Scarborough Bluffs





Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
