Saturday, June 11, 2011

Toronto WNBR 2011

Update 2012: The ride goes Saturday, June 16! Be as bare as you dare, put on some bodypaint and enjoy the freedom of the ride and help to support the fight against oil dependency. Gather at Coronation Park at noon, ride begins at 1pm. See my photos of the 2012 event here.

It was time for the annual 2011 Toronto World Naked Bike Ride and the weather cooperated to make this an enjoyable romp through the downtown streets - passing thousands of surprised city dwellers calling out support to the naked bikers. You can always join in next year - you go as nude as you want to go. This ride is a protest against dependence on oil and the negative impact of our car culture.
Coronation Park filled up fast as the bicyclists gathered and stripped away their clothes, ready to begin their journey which included a stop at City Halls Nathan Phillips Square. We pick up quite a few riders just before the ride starts and more join in along the route.

See more pics after the jump.

And in related news the Saturday, June 18, 2011 Bells on Bloor starts at noon from Bloor Street and High Park and then cyclists ride to Queen's Park to ring out for need for bike lanes on Bloor. And National Go-Topless Day is scheduled for Toronto on Sunday, August 28, 2011 starting at noon. Gather at the Beaches near Boardwalk Cafe as women exercise their topless right - 'uncovering the cover-up'. Note: The photos have been edited to make them safe for work.

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Leif Harmsen said...

Nice piece on the WNBR and great pictures! The WNBR is the global protest against oil dependencyt. It is curious here how it is juxtaposed with the Grand Prix - a symbol of gasoline powered car culture and a noticiable noise and chemical polluter in itself if you live anywhere in Toronto's west end. Live an let live I guess; albiet with emphasima, carnage and hearing loss.

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