Friday, March 16, 2012

Skating finished at Nathan Phillips Square

The third sign of spring in #Toronto is the end of outdoor skating at Nathan Phillips Square. The temporary freezing pipes at the foot of City Hall have been turned off and the ice surface has quickly melted away. I did see someone on in-line roller blades so not all skating is done for the 2011/2012 winter season. The nature garden is also open on the roof of City Hall.
The melted ice has left a large puddle
I imagine the permanent work on the ice pad will continue early this year so that the pipes will not be above the concrete pad and covered in sand. Later the pond will be filled and the water fountain can once again dance in the sun – just don’t wade because it is against the rules. Speaking of construction – the work on the balance of the square has continued throughout the winter and is mostly concentrated along the west side of the concrete area near the future raised entertainment stage. 

See more of City Hall's Square after the jump.

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