Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Warm March Day in #Toronto

I always liked March, it was the time when you could enjoy sitting outside enjoying a burst of warm sun while the ground was still covered in snow. It was a promise of spring and the summer that would follow. I don’t think there is much snow that has to be melted so we are already better off from last year (unless you like winter and all the fun activities you can do in the snow). In Toronto we enjoyed temperatures that hit 15 degrees Celsius today on March 7, 2012 – just a touch under the record 16.7 degrees that happened in 1987. It's time for some bears to come out of hibernation.
Instead of keeping inside, or underground in the PATH system, or briskly walking as fast as you can outside so that you can get inside, it was time to stroll and to gather in the rays. In Yonge-Dundas Square the chairs were out and people were enjoying the unseasonably mild temperatures that have marked the Winter of 2011/2012. Granted they weren’t in shorts and t-shirts, but it is only a matter of time before everyone is out wearing crocs instead of galoshes and the fountains start splashing kids running through the square.

The weekend is full of fun events and on Saturday, March 10 I hope to get to the Toronto Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival, Mesgaspeed Custom Car and Truck Show and the Toronto ComiCON and AnimeCON shows. I will probably miss the St Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday but I will not miss Daylight Savings Time and the “Leap Ahead” lose an hour at 2am Sunday, March 11.

For those that are keeping track of our environment I note that the Climate Change debates have the added concerns of a Little Ice Age (LIA) that might last 30 years. I don’t know if that will come true, but if it does I hope it is like a neighbourhood – such as Little Italy, and that neighbourhood is located somewhere that is currently too hot – like the Sahara Desert.
 The 14 day forecast also shows the higher than normal temperatures continuing in Toronto. You should be able to buy your shorts and bathing suits in the stores later this week.

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