Sunday, August 26, 2012

Target Bullseye Beach in #Toronto

@Target_ca threw some summer beach parties across Canada with the #BullseyeBeach end of summer celebration. In Toronto the event was held on Centre Island and featured giveaways, free ice cream and games - and the ride over on the ferry was taken care of by Target as well.
The ladies invited me (and a few thousand others) on a free ferry trip to the Islands
There were hundreds of bullseyes everywhere. We followed them onto the ferry for the trip across the inner harbour. See more after the jump.

At the giveaway tent. On the other side you could fill up on free water
Photo opportunity area
The free ice cream truck

The sailboats had target sails
On the ferry heading back to the city

"Canadians are seen soaking up the sun, sand, games and activities as Target Canada held Bullseye Beach days across the country on Saturday, August 25. The retailer gave Canadians a taste of what's to come and surprised beachgoers with giveaways and plenty of fun.

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