Friday, August 17, 2012

Centreville Amusement Park

The #Toronto Islands aren't just for picnics and lazing in the sun, you can also take the kids to Centreville Amusement Park (the @CNE2012 's baby brother). There is a serious lack of bacon products when compared to the EX but you can always pack some bacon bits to get you through the day.
The fun starts with the ferry ride over to Centre Island, which is immediately after the waiting in the lineup for the ferry, and the walk to the amusement park, which is the "are we there yet" part. The ferry costs money but the entrance to the park is free, rides on the other hand cost money. The park operates from May to September (and only on weekends during May and September).
The ride I always remember was the log flume. Getting into that hollowed out tree section, floating around the ride, then heading up the mountain where you plummet hundreds of feet into a chasm of splashes and screams. That's from my memory. But looking at the log flume today I see that the logs were not made of wood and there was no mountain, it was just sort of a hump. There were splashes and the screams were screams of fun so I got part of it right.
The swan ride has moved away from the weed choked pond at the entrance and into a river channel at the edge of the park. I found the giant birds sleeping the morning away, man they are lazy when no one is around.

See more photos after the jump.

Visitors arrive at the island ferry terminal
Some horses at Far Enough Farm

Bumper boat ride

Beasley Bear ride
Centreville train
The windmill style ferris wheel

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