Friday, July 27, 2012

Early morning by the lake

The sparkling day was framed by some cool clouds today in #Toronto as I made my way by bike along the boardwalks and bike paths along the edge of Lake Ontario. A group of cute little ducklings followed their mother on a tour of the harbour. Earlier in the day the sunrise provided a nice glow to the city and the waterfront.
Besides the abundance of all types of birds, including the poop champions - Canada Geese, they were outnumbered by the amount of people who boat in the harbour: sculls and dragon boats especially.

Single, double and quad sculls

See more of the lake shore after the jump.

The curving bay at Sunnyside beach

Sunnyside outdoor patio with Bud Lite umbrellas
The pedestrian bridge at the Humber River

The five ducklings follow their mom

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