Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Graffiti Alley portraits along Queen Street West

A large portrait in black and white stares down from a doorway in the Queen Street West Graffiti Alley. It is incredible the variety of graffiti styles that fill the small roadway that runs behind the busy arterial road running east-west through Toronto.
I think the blue water drop guy, holding a handful of money, is keeping him company.

Then there is the multiple head graffiti, with the heads having different colours in a work that is similar to the Andy Warhol array style of sameness but different. This one is also on a doorway.

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1 comment:

BK said...

That black and white portrait is of my grandfather as a young man after he returned from fighting in Italy in WWII. I painted it years ago and came across this picture just now on a google image search for Toronto graffiti

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