Sunday, November 27, 2011

Santa in the Junction

Toronto neighbourhood The Junction brought the Holidays during Santa in the Junction with Live Performance Windows and choirs and carols in the street.
"Saturday November 26, 2011 10:00a.m - 4:00p.m. 14 Live Performance Windows featuring 100 young dancers from the Creative Children's Dance Centre; Wendall Ferguson's Country Guitar Carolls; Visits with Santa; Hot Roasted Chestnuts; Strolling Carollers; The Junction Children's Choir; The Acts of Sweetness Cookie Truck; A 30'x80' ball hockey rink; Santa's Workshop; Mrs Santa's Story Time and a whole lot more."
I didn't know a lot about the area so I tried to find out where it was on their website - it isn't very helpful though. The Junction is along Dundas near Keele Street, just north of High Park.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

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