Large panel displays are being set up in the long hall of Brookfield Place hoping to bring attention to energy issues using black and white photos of stuff which may or may not be about energy things, okay, they are about energy issues. You know it's art because it is in black or white. The exhibition called The Fuel of Life continues into mid December.
From the Brookfield Place What's happening website "The Fuel of Life, A PhotoSensitive multimedia exhibition focusing on the issue of energy in the 21st century.I like this shot, I think it is flames and not just smoke, but it is hard to tell in black and white
PhotoSensitive is a not-for-profit organization that has been highlighting social issues through black-and-white photography for over 20 years. Past projects have covered issues as diverse as homelessness, AIDS, the environment, health, First Nations literacy and the Indian Ocean tsunami, to name but a few. With The Fuel of Life, PhotoSensitive, in partnership with the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, turns its lens onto the issue of energy. As David Suzuki says, “Meeting humanity’s energy needs without dangerously interfering with the global climate system is one of the great challenges of the 21st century.” Climate change is one of the key issues of the modern day and energy in its creation and consumption, plays a huge role in this.
There could not be a better time for PhotoSensitive to be focusing on this hot topic. Over 100 hundred photos cover different aspects of energy; production, consumption, innovation, conservation, distribution and human energy. There is also a section of photos by students from schools, colleges and universities across Canada. For the first time, PhotoSensitive is including a large multimedia component with 10 videos exploring diverse aspects of energy. Monday, November 28 to Saturday, December 12, 2011."
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