Sunday, November 20, 2011

Roller Derby World Cup in Toronto

Toronto Roller Derby (@TORollerDerby) is hosting the 2011 Roller Derby World Cup from Thursday, December 1st to the Sunday the 4th at their new home in the Bunker at Downsview Park. As they mention on the ToRD website '13 teams, four days, one championship'. Team Canada will be led by Brim Stone (jammer in leopard print on the left, in the photo above) who plays on both the Gore Gore Rollergirls and the Toronto All Star team CN Power.
Getting ready to Jam

Teams from around the world that are competing are the Argentina All-Stars Roller Derby, Team Australia, Brasil Roller Derby, Team Canada, Team Finland Roller Derby, Roller Derby France, Roller Derby Germany, All Ireland Roller Derby, New Zealand Roller Derby, Team Scotland Roller Derby, Team Sweden Roller Derby and Team USA Roller Derby. We are just missing Team Russia to bring in some old time rivalries.
If you want some excitement and action away from the cold outdoors it is time to buy some tickets and watch some Real Women, Real Hits and Real Heart. Good luck Team Canada!

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