Tuesday, November 08, 2011

First Christmas Tree of the Season in Toronto

Well, Santa must be getting jolly because I saw a giant Christmas tree being put up at Toronto City Hall. This is the first Christmas tree I have seen in the wilds of Toronto for XMAS2011. They will have to work hard to get everything set up for the 2011 Cavalcade of Lights. You can see my Cavalcade of Lights 2009 celebration and the 2010 celebration here (and below) - including fireworks, which is coming our way Saturday, November 26 at 7pm.

The schedule from the City of Toronto website: The night will feature the lighting of the City of Toronto's official Christmas tree, fireworks and live musical performances by award-winning artists Jarvis Church, Kellylee Evans, JRDN, and rising star Justin Hines and singer Victoria Duffield. The concert will be hosted by Citytv's very own Ken Frankish and Flow 93.5's Jeni and culminates in a spectacular fireworks display at 8pm, followed by a skating party sponsored by Timothy's World Coffee on the Nathan Phillips Square rink.

Meet champion figure skater and sports icon Jamie Salé at the Burt's Bees tent for autographs and pictures.

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