Friday, November 04, 2011

Fall behind

This weekend (Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2am) is the time to set your clocks back an hour - remember; spring ahead and fall behind.
 This fall has been a dissapointment in the colours of the leaves as they have remained very subdued - not like in past years where the crisp, vibrant colours really stand out (first two pictures). Toronto remains in the final throes of fall as many of the leaves remain on the trees where around the GTA most of the leaves are already on the ground.
In Trinity Park just behind the Toronto Eaton Centre the trees have gone from green to yellow and the ones that have fallen gather in the fold of the steps leading to the circle maze.
from green leaves, above and below

to a dull yellow

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1 comment:

Mun-Yeen said...

No matter how old I am, I can never can get tired of fall colours. Thanks for the pictures.

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