Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Multi-level Gardiner - soon with tunnel

Toronto Councilor Doug Ford has expressed his desire to see a tunnel built underneath the elevated Gardiner Expressway. The tunnel would be a toll road and would be built without public money.
While Toronto has a hard time maintaining the aging concrete beast, the addition of an incredibly expensive tunnel would provide a future place to hide the demolished highway when the time comes that it is no longer safe or economical to maintain. Just shove the debris in the tunnel. Problem solved.
I sense the toll road of the future will be the Gardiner. It is good that they are thinking of options for travel in and out of the city. The urban life only works if there is a steady stream of goods and people to supply the millions of people that live and work in Toronto. The Board of Trade has announced that the Toronto average 80 minute commute is even worse than found in congested Los Angeles. When the Gardiner works there is nothing better for getting into the City.

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