Monday, June 06, 2011

Caution at 33 Dundas East

I think a group of buildings got into a fight. It started with words, harsh words. Violence progresses quickly and soon a dance fight breaks out. Then someone pulled a knife and the next thing you know a building has been stabbed and it's lifeblood leaks onto the street, although it might have been rain water discharge because we have got a lot of rain lately. Police are called, yellow caution tape goes up saying 'Crime Scene - do not cross' and the coroner makes the call. Northing remains except the horror and the investigation - a nearby building might be going away for a long, long time.
The TV studios at 33 Dundas Street East (CityTV and the OMNI twins) are having some work done and caution tape and a police officer keep the area around the man lift clear and safe.

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