Saturday, June 25, 2011

G20 Anniversary Rally

The front lawn of Queen's Park filled with peaceful protesters marking the anniversary of the G20 Summit blowing into town. Music and posters filled the air in front of the Provincial Legislature building before speeches started and chants joined the items filling the air.
As a bonus there were free protest t-shirts which said G20 REDUX Fundamental Freedoms Festival June 25, 2011 on the back and 'I went to the G20 and all I got was... Arrested, Kettled, Clubbed, Politicized and a fill in the blank' option.
The police presence was a lot friendlier this time around. And there were a lot of leaflets being passed around. I even saw the Communist Party banner, although I think that is a weird choice because they would proably stifle democratic free speech and peaceful protests.
Sid Ryan, President of the Ontario Federation of Labour, talks to the protesters

Listening to the radio the rally turned into a march that wound around City streets heading ultimately towards the Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters on College Street.

See lots more photos of the rally after the jump.

The front line is every where
Our Charter arrested at G20
Celebrating Croatia Day
Protect Fundamental Freedoms - Defend Civil Liberties

This is not a weapon, It's free speech
Still Not Violent t-shirt
No Police State
There were lots of bubbles

Getting the perimeter rope ready - 'Weapons free zone'
I think this Jack Russell dog was protesting the police canine unit, he had an illegal butt sniff and was abused with calls of "bad, bad doggie".

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