Saturday, June 04, 2011

Beautiful week & Ride for Heart

Update: photo taken June 6, 2011 - remember, no wading!

Spring held a 'nice week' event but that ended Friday and the thundershowers took over Saturday. I was ready to bike around downtown Toronto but I will wait and see what tomorrow will be like. To remember beautiful weather I have included a partly cloudy sky photo at top. I also happened to notice that the Nathan Phillip Square pond repairs have been completed and the pond has been filled and the water jets are working again (an older shot of the pond follows). With the water fountain in Yonge-Dundas Square also working I think that we can unofficially celebrate summer.
The Becel Ride for Heart will fill the Gardiner Expressway and the DVP tomorrow on Sunday, June 5, 2011 starting at 6am with the highway closed from 2am to 2pm.
2010 Ride for Heart photos

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