Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years Eve #Toronto

December 31, 2011 is a special time in a Year's life. Oh, he started out as a wee lad in winter, grew into a strong summer and now he has passed fall and didn't even get a chance to retire before he has to go. The old heave ho, out with the old, in with the new. I think 2012 will be a girl's year. This Year will also start off in diapers, grow into full bodied summer, take a little time to enjoy milf status, then watch out, her comes cougar Year!
Tomorrow brings Mayor Levees, Polar Swims and hangovers and bad decisions for some. But tonite we party like its still 2011! Cheers to you! I hope your year came with a happy ending - bazinga!

Thanks to all my new visitors this year, along with the great people that make a visit to the Toronto Grand Prix Tourist Blog a habit. I plan on having more caffeine and more addictive photos to rope you in. I trust that Toronto will continue to have interesting graffiti, stories, events and adventures that I can use my camera on. Thanks to my wife for letting me go out to cover Toronto with my cameras. Thanks also to Joe Hamilton (Fresh Joe) for helping me update the blog with some fantastic pictures.
Here is Reality TV Star Jessie Sulidis signing autographs for fans at the Honda Indy Toronto event at Yonge-Dundas Square in 2010. Here's to the Honda Indy Toronto, may it be a lot of fun for all those that attend.

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