Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Ashley, Jessica Simpson & Cody Simpson in TO

Rock superstars Ashley and Jessica Simpson dropped by Toronto last weekend to promote their fashion line at Hudson Bay - Queen Street. I think they are rock superstars but when I went to check out their record sales I got lost in her cleavage. Jessica has recently announced that she is pregnant and her boobs are big but her belly is now bigger than her boobs, and that girls fart. Sweet baby Jesus. 

Hot on the heels of the Simpson invasion is the young blond bubble gum pop star Cody Simpson who will be at a Toronto bookstore in mid December 2011. I didn't call him a superstar because he doesn't have cleavage. Anyhow, he will sign copies of his CD 'Coast to Coast' starting at 6pm and a wristband policy is in effect (check the link for details). Oh, all these Simpsons are making me giddy. 

Now here are the tweets.

CodySimpson Cody Simpson: I will be signing copies of #coasttocoast at Chapters (143 John St.) in #Toronto on December 12th at 6:30pm. looking forward to it!

JessicaSimpson Jessica Simpson: Wahoo!! RT @JSCollection: Meet @JessicaSimpson &@ashleesimpson TOMORROW at 1PM at @TheHudsonsBayCo in Toronto! RT if you'll be there!
2 Dec 

JessicaSimpson Jessica Simpson: I LOVE my new Cavalli dress! My belly is officially bigger than my boobs..well kinda...ha
8 Nov

JessicaSimpson Jessica Simpson: The average pregnant woman farts 15 times that! RT @OMGFactsThe average person expels flatulence 15 times each day!
4 Nov

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