Wednesday, June 19, 2013

#Toronto Redpath Waterfront Festival and the Tall Ships 2013

Canons and flags are back as the @TOwaterfest sails into @Harbourfront with the Water's Edge Festival, the 1812 Wharf, the Tall Ships Challenge and Sunday's Parade of Sail finale. The family friendly festival has both on-land and water programs to promote the waterfront as a prime destination. So head down to Lake Ontario for the food, music, dance and other activities and enjoy all things nautical.
The international fleet of sailing ships are celebrating the Tall Ships 1812 Tour and the Tall Ships Great Lakes Challenge. "Toronto will be the only port to host the full fleet of ships as they travel throughout Ontario during this pan provincial event to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of 1812. Toronto is also proud to be the launch port of the TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE®Great Lakes 2013 – a Tall Ships America® initiative."

If you want to go on the ships you will need to purchase tickets. The fleet will consist of the Sorlandet, Pathfinder, Playfair, Fair Jeanne, Peacemaker, Liana's Ransom, Unicorn, Lynx, Pride of Baltimore II, Niagara and St Lawrence.

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