Friday, December 02, 2011

AnimeCon December 11, 2011

FanExpo AnimeCon is Sunday, December 11, 2011 at the Metro #Toronto Convention Centre. Anime: Japanese animated cartoons - you know that means cosplay, so get the costumes and coloured contact lenses ready to go.
SPECIAL GUEST Sean Schemmel: Anime Producer, Director and voice of Goku in all the Dragonball series and movies! Sean will be on hand all day to sign free autographs, pose for photos and answer your questions.

ATTRACTIONS: Hall Cosplay! BIG shopping area, Anime Win, Lose or Draw, Anime Flash Game, Anime Name That Tune, Free autographs.

Fan Expo Canada VIP pass holders are admitted FREE! All children 12 and under admitted FREE with adult admission. Regular admission only $10 tax included!

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