Wednesday, December 07, 2011

St James Park - sod it all

#OccupyToronto maybe a small bump in the night, fading from memory as winter sets in and protesting becomes more work than fun. Their lovely camp site and prime real estate restored to the residents, area visitors and their dogs. I am sure that once the groundhog comes out of his hole and spring comes back into town the Occupy movement will swell under the warming sun.
Protesters deface Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation signs with 'No PIGS allowed' and 'No PIGS Bicycling allowed'
Meanwhile back in St James Park the large population of chubby squirrels, protester's tents and walking traffic damaged a lot of the grass. Repair estimates thrown around were $20-60,000. In an era of cost cutting I was surprised that they are going to sod the park - the good news is that the sod and it's installation will be donated by Landscape Ontario , Project EverGreen and the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario.
The lovely new carpet of sod in St James Park
Landscape Ontario says "There is a huge volunteer effort that will be happening here," says Tony DiGiovanni, executive director of Landscape Ontario. "There will be more than 10,000 rolls of sod and at least 23 dump trucks of soil and an incredible number of people being very charitable."
The beauty of the park is evident before Occupiers took over the green space

Once the grass is green there will only be a few remaining signs (like the signs above) that the protesters lived in the park for some time before they were evicted from the peaceful and natural neighbourhood destination.

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