Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mild Weather in Toronto in December melts ice, skaters sad!

The unusually mild temperatures in #Toronto are great for visitors and commuters but it is playing havoc with the City's outdoor rinks. In Nathan Phillips Square the skaters and the Zamboni have to contend with a layer of water on top of the remaining ice surface. Reminds me of the YouTube video I took in January of 2010 when balmy weather left a lot more water on the rink.

 It is a good time to be get out on the ice without all those other skaters giving you the elbow and a possible concussion or two. Just don't trip.

Update: The weather has remained very nice but the coolant has managed to keep the ice solid. The skaters fill the rink as even school children are bused in to enjoy the outdoor winter exercise.
School buses line Queen Street West

See more of the rink area after the jump.

The large doors of the snack bar seem to make it cold and windy for the workers
The skate rental lineup

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