Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Sunnyside Beach boardwalk reconstruction

I noticed that the Sunnyside Pavilion boardwalk has been replaced and the walkway is open. The work was completed by Pine Valley Corporation beginning in 2023 and finishing in 2024. Construction fencing caused the annual January 1st Polar Bear Dip to move away from the pavilion so hey, they can move back for next year's dip.

Fencing and notices for the reconstruction work

The City of Toronto's website says this about the beach park, "Sunnyside Park is located in the west end of Toronto on the shore of Lake Ontario. It was once home to Sunnyside Amusement Park. It is a popular place for picnics. Sunnyside is one of a series of parks along the waterfront that has a boardwalk for pedestrians and the Martin Goodman Trail for cyclists and multi-use purposes. On the east side of the park you will find Sunnyside Pavilion and Sunnyside Gus Ryder Pool and on the west Sir Casmir Gzowski Park with a great playground. Budapest Park wading pool close by is a favourite spot for visiting children. Throughout Toronto's history Sunnyside Beach has been a popular spot to cool off in the summer."

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