Saturday, September 08, 2012

#Toronto Board Meeting

The Chairman of the Board couldn't have done it better as hundreds of longboarders rolled down Yonge Street for their annual Board Meeting. Beginning at St Clair they took over the entire street as they made their way down to Toronto City Hall. The dress code was a shirt, tie and helmet. The flashmob event is usually held on the second Saturday of September (Sept 8 in 2012).
The boarders quickly lined the ramp leading to the green roof and made some exciting runs down the steep surface. A motion to have fun was quickly passed and seconded.
"A few years ago, Benjamin Jordan had a class assignment that required him to give something back to a community that he identified with. At this time, Jordan was involved with some locals who got together regularly for longboarding sessions in Toronto. The group, called Metro Longboarders, was started by Michael Brooke (founder, Concrete Wave Magazine) and Tom Browne. Jordan wanted to integrate his love of longboarding and his passion for photography into a meaningful event that would affect the longboarding community, and the city at large, in a positive way. In a moment of clarity, he knew what he had to do: get as many longboarders as possible to meet in a specific place, at a specific time, with the simple intent of riding through the city together, just for fun. For the sake of irony, and a nice double-entendre twist, he asked that all riders wear a white shirt and tie, and called it a Board Meeting. Although it was close to being called off by the authorities, Jordan and his co-conspirators pushed through, and the event has been happening every year since its original inception in 2003."

See more of the boards after the jump.

Bare BeaunZ sponsors of the GO FAST 2012 Ontario Downhill Skateboard Event

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