Friday, May 25, 2012

#TorontoEMS: Emergency Medical Services Week

#Toronto Emergency Medical Services Week ran from May 21 to May 25, 2012 and on Friday there were several ambulance and paramedic crews set up in Bell Trinity Square (behind the Eaton Centre). Visitors could get their blood pressure checked by EMS staff (see photo at top), meet the medical responders and dispatchers, check out the ambulance and pick up a paper model of an ambulance.
The EMS Week is celebrated throughout Canada and this year's them is "EMS: More than a job....a calling!"  It has to be a calling when you consider that they respond to over 315,000 requests for medical attention per year.

"Toronto Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provides emergency ambulance service to the City of Toronto. When somebody calls 911 for a medical emergency, Toronto EMS paramedics assess, treat, and transport the patient to a hospital emergency department. Toronto EMS is the largest municipal land ambulance service in Canada, and the sole emergency ambulance service in Toronto."

Toronto EMS Safe City Program

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