Saturday, May 05, 2012

Global Marijuana March 2012

While the #Toronto Freedom Festival has been postponed due to permit issues the 14th Annual Global Marijuana March (GMM) will still be held on Saturday, May 5, 2012. The marchers will start to gather at 11am and begin to walk the streets of Toronto around noon. The idea is to celebrate, discuss and promote and Toronto's march is supposed to be the largest GMM in the world. See my photos of the 2011 festival and march on my post here.
Marc Emery's wife Jodie in green

From the Toronto Groups website "The march will launch at HIGH NOON, taking off in the heart of downtown Toronto with an extended route down the world’s longest street, Yonge Street. The peaceful protest parade is presented by and will assemble at 11am and launch at 12pm at a new location north of Queen’s Park North south of CHARLES STREET and will travel NORTH to BLOOR STREET, EAST to YONGE STREET, SOUTH on YONGE to GERRARD STREET and EAST on GERRARD to CHURCH STREET. After the march the crowd will disperse to several Cannabis-friendly events across the city. Note that the march has been moved up from its previously advertised 2pm launch. Organizers need your help to stay #1! Contact to be a parade marshal or volunteer staff."
The parade marshals wore orange shirts

A Naked News Reporter was in the park

See more pictures after the jump.

The Freedom Festival might have been postponed due to the lack of a permit, but the gathering became a festival anyway with the friendly crowd packed into the north yard - just no vendors in tents or johnny on the spots.
There were a few gas masks being used
Mr Boxman and his security, below

I was told there would be cake sign
The cash for gold arrow sign guys
Weed glasses

Masked white suited guy with the 'Manbearpic must be stopped' sign

The band's float

Around the horse statue
Corn cob pipe

Women Ending Prohibition Again!

The march started in Queen's Park and at the end of the day, that's where it finished. University Avenue was shut down at 1:30pm and the march started about 2pm, by 3pm they were back in the north yard of the Ontario legislature buildings - trailed by four mounted police.
Dude, this way signs
I saw the green wig guy again

Back into Queen's Park

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Anonymous said...

Glad I stumbled onto this blog! thanks for taking our picture! :)

--Mohawk guy

Sarah said...

I quite like the "WE WANT POT" sign. No beating around the bush there ;)

- Racky T

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