Monday, May 21, 2012

Toronto International Circus Festival

Thousands of visitors filled Harbourfront Centre for the FREE #Toronto International Circus Festival during the Victoria Day 2012 holiday long weekend. The event was created by Zero Gravity Circus (ZGC).

"Experience eye-popping acrobatics, side-splitting comedy and mind-bending daredevil stunts - featuring lunatic unicyclists, world-class acrobats, unflinching fire eaters, sky-scraping stilt walkers, brazen chain saw jugglers, genius balloon sculptors and harebrained clowns & characters everywhere!"
Fire Eater
Sitting on shoulders to get a view of the juggler

 See more photos after the jump.

Performers on the Westjet Stage

A musician wanders the grounds

A stilt lady towers over the crowd
Crowded around the Redpath Stage

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