Sunday, April 15, 2012

Green Living Show

Food, fashion, cars, home decor, bikes, clean energy and gardens filled the #Toronto Direct Energy Centre for the weekend's 6th annual Green Living Show. We gave some electronic waste and got free tickets into the very busy show. The owl in the photo above would probably tell us to give a hoot and don't pollute, or go green, something like that.
Taking a shower with PeTA - go vegan
A stilt walker walks the crowded aisles
A model at the Eco Fashion Show. Kelly Drennan, founder of Fashion Takes Action is on the podium hosting the event designed to highlight eco-friendly fashions. Hair styling by worldSALON
The crowd at the popular fashion show
The show is basically split, with one half being cars and energy while the other half is everything else - especially the food. The food aisles were jammed as people shopped and sampled an extremely large amount of tasty food products like Olympic KREMA Greek style yogurt. There was also a Farm Fresh Fare samplying area where you could purchase beer and wine sample tickets ($1 per sample) or food tickets ($2 per sample).

See more after the jump.

A functioning bee hive

Also scheduled at the show was the Green Living Business Forum and various speakers and presenters with a special Eco Youth Day Forum. A hit was the Birds In Your Backyard with owls and other raptors, held by trainers right in front of you, and the Canada's Oceans And You displays. I took a quick jaunt through Fair Trade Town, past those guys wearing the banana suits, walked by the Sweat Equity Yoga Pavillion where demonstrations were underway and into the Farmers' Market.

Ontario: Yours to protect; giant wall mounted map
Joe Fresh with a friendly and helpful volunteer
Steam Whistle beer tasting
'Eat Me...I'm Organic" underwear from the Organic Cotton Company
Save Sushi, Let's get plastic out of our oceans. Seems like a mixed message to me
There were a lot of hybrid and electric vehicles. Here is one plugged in at the show
More of the Eco Fashion Show

I don't know about anybody else but I saw someone try out those crazy Yike Bike and I was scared. They look cool, but seem to be very unwieldy.

The Stop the Mega Quarry in Melancthon which was a major topic in the building had one wall covered by prints, which were for sale, that brought attention to the issue.

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