Monday, April 16, 2012

Clean Toronto Together

The community clean-up day is scheduled for this weekend as the City asks that you join Mayor Rob ford and Clean #Toronto Together. Friday is the corporate and school clean-up day with the community clean-up day on Saturday. “On April 21, 2012 go outside and clean-up a public space that is important to you. If your group can't participate on the 21st or if the weather doesn't cooperate, alternate date is Sunday April 22. Please be finished by no later than 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 22 so City crews can haul away the litter.”
Part of the clean up drum band

The public launch to raise awareness of the event happened today at Yonge-Dundas Square during the lunch hour. Groups of people in yellow shirts gathered, many banging drums made of garbage cans or recycle bins, and cheered the upcoming community event. Tim Hortons was there to support the event with free travel coffee mugs and the City gave away Glad garbage bags.
Tim Hortons staff giving out free Tim Mugs

See more photos after the jump.

Volunteers ready to sweep the dirt away

Don’t forget to register your group at

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