Monday, April 16, 2012

Can Can girls on Bay Street

The morning commute had a little excitement as four lovely Can Can ladies were on Bay Street promoting travel to Yukon with a What a Rush vacation contest.
"Visit the Yukon―it's Larger Than Life. Close your eyes now and breathe in crisp Yukon air. Smell spruce sap and the earthy scent of tundra, and listen for the excited howls of husky sled dogs. Open your eyes and drink in Yukon landscapes under dancing aurora borealis. Canoe a Yukon river and dip your hands into the clearest water you've ever seen. A vacation in Canada's Yukon is a larger than life experience. Stay awhile—you won't want to leave.

Click Here to learn more about possible side effects of visiting Yukon, and don't forget to enter for your chance to win Yukon's What a Rush Contest!"

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