Monday, September 26, 2011

Nuit Blanche 2011 setup at Toronto City Hall

With the Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2011 coming this weekend you can see various complex projects being put together in the week leading up to the all night art event. At Nathan Phillips Square in the shadow of Toronto City Hall I see several sets of scaffolding being assembled around the square.
Checking the Nuit Blanche website it looks like this could be Flightpath Toronto Installation by Usman Haque - London, UK and Natalie Jeremijenko - New York, USA.
From the Haque website "Inspired by the birds of Nathan Phillips Square, Flightpath Toronto is a participatory spectacle inviting the public to rediscover the possibilities and wonder of urban flight. For Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2011, the square hosts an urban flightschool, an interactive visual airscape, and fly-lines that enable hundreds of people, enwinged, to re-imagine the city and the way we move through it.

By exploring the square through the eyes of its primary inhabitants, urban birds, can we reinvent our relationship to the city we build together? By reclaiming airspace as public space, can we consider other forms of transit, rediscover the 'sport' in 'transport', and excite imaginative possibilities for our urban infrastructure? Are we game to experience, through flight, a city that is fluid and three-dimensional?

Flightpath Toronto's swarms of flying people experiment with an urban-scale participatory proposition: one that demonstrates the pleasures of emissionless urban mobility and creates a shared memory of a possible future.

Flightpath Toronto is a collaboration between Usman Haque, architect/artist and Natalie Jeremijenko, engineer/artist, uniting his expertise in participatory urban spectacle with her expertise in bird flight and urban natural systems."

See more progress after the jump.

The zip lines go up from scaffold structure to scaffold structure. Would you fly on this contraption?

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