Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mr Brainwash Thierry Guetta at TIFF

Thierry Guetta, Graffiti legend Banksy's subject in the film Exit Through The Gift Shop, was down at Roy Thomson Hall as part of the Toronto International Film Festival TIFF. His moniker is Mr Brainwash and besides his exhibition at a a Yorkville art gallery he is undertaking a world premier art installation in Toronto.
The Los Angeles based film maker and pop and street artist was outside Roy Thomson Hall setting up a piece that featured giant spray cans, I mean like ten feet tall, covered in posters as well as a number of set piece life size Mounties that looked like they were part of a film crew.
Here is the TIFF press release regarding Mr Brainwash. Mr. Brainwash in Toronto (2011) – World Premiere
Made famous by the film Exit through the Gift Shop as legendary street-artist Banksy's alter ego, Thierry Guetta , a.k.a. Mr. Brainwash, has continued to produce provocative and playful Pop art. His work hungrily appropriates contemporary visual-art masters and cheekily tweaks the nose of gallery-based convention. He will be engaged in multiple projects during the Festival, including a significant, multiple-piece exhibition at Gallery One. His presence will also be felt outside Roy Thomson Hall, with his spray cans towering over the red carpet, providing emergency assistance for evenings requiring additional glamour and pomp. And, finally, he will collaborate with TIFF on “Grace Kelly: From Movie Star to Princess,” our fall exhibition. His unique tribute to the style icon will be seen wildposted all over town. Presented at David Pecaut Square, 55 John Street, September 8 to 18, and in collaboration with Gallery One, 121 Scollard Street, September 8 to October 22.
See more photos of Mr Brainwash after the jump.

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