Saturday, September 24, 2011

Harbourfront Centre: Natrel Pool Canoe

The Natrel Pond at Harbourfront Centre is a cute little pool of water where people lineup to go for canoe rides during the busy summer season.
Colourful poles dot the docks at the Centre and are reflected in the water. 
Even in the rain plenty of people want to get out in the red canoes, huddling under umbrellas so they don't get wet.
It is fun to see so many first time rowers try to keep their balance in the canoes. These kids were playing beside the fountain, rocking back and forth while the spray shoots in the air. Finally they rocked a little to far to one side and the canoe tipped over and out they went. Luckily the water was only about a foot and a half deep and they had life jackets on to be extra safe.

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