Friday, December 30, 2011

Countdown to New Years Eve - 1 Nights plus Polar Swim

It's Friday night and tomorrow the bells will ring out the end of 2011 and the start of 2012. Parties are planned with crackers (with prizes), canapes and  hors d'oeuvres while James Bond gets his martini glasses chilled for Pussy Galore. Somewhere the fireworks are getting planned for a night of bangs and booms.
Tomorrow the celebrations start at noon at Yonge-Dundas Square with Citytv NYE in the Square. The event will run till 8pm and features free giveaways, face painting and xbox playing. Later the party moves to Nathan Phillips Square for the Citytv's New Years Eve Bash 2012 at Toronto City Hall starting at 10pm.

I think it is part of the streakin' speadsters plus the Stanley Cup is in the water

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