Thursday, October 13, 2011

Toronto Bazaar of the Bizarre

The strange and the beautiful exist together in the bi-annual Bazaar of the Bizarre. The Halloween Market Place edition runs Sunday October 23, 2011 from 11am to 7pm at 6 Noble Street in Toronto, brought to you by Plastik Wrap. If you are curious it sounds like a great way to spend some time during zombie weekend, plus you can get some stuff ready for Halloween. When I think of bizarre the first images that come to my mind are of steampunk type Gothic wear like the glove that is pictured above.

The show is promoted as "a Marketplace filled with amazing vendors: Artists, designers, craft-folk, publishers and other independent makers of all things exotic, whimsical and macabre are assembled to attack all of your senses."

In spring they have the Circus Sideshow Market Place and the current delicious list of vendors that are supposed to be on site can be found after the jump.

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