Saturday, November 11, 2023

Remembrance Day warplane flyover

Hundreds of people took in the 2023 Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton on November 11th. As part of the event the Lancaster flew over the museum near the ceremony's two minutes of silence to help us remember those that served our country. There was a little bit of blue sky in the overall grey clouds in the heavens above in the photo at top.
The original Lancaster type Mk. X was built in Mississauga (Malton) in 1945 and later transitioned to a 10MR configuration, had a wing section replaced in 1952 and was finally retired from the military in 1963. Then in 1977 the Royal Canadian Legion in Goderich sold the plane to the museum where it took 11 years to get the Lancaster ready for flight. It is one of many warplanes, flight ready or on static display at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
Returning to the museum

Today was the last scheduled 2023 flight of the Lancaster and the museum's airplanes were joined by a J-type Hercules from the Canadian Armed Forces out of Trenton air force base, arriving just for the ceremony.
Hercules prepares for the flight home

See more photos after the jump.

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