Friday, October 21, 2011

Coloured Pods in Leslie Dan Pharmacy Building

Giant coloured balls hung in the lobby of the Leslie Dan Pharmacy building at College and University just south of Queens Park. I saw them late at night during the 2011 Nuit Blanche all night art festival and I thought they were an installation that was part of Nuit. The answer was no, they are a permanent installation.
The floating bubbles are illuminated with flood lights and coloured films that change during the course of the evening. GVSA says that "For all its modesty, already the pharmacy building has attracted much attention in these parts. In addition to the highly decorative exteriors, it features a pair of extraordinary interior "pods" clearly visible from the street. These ovoid forms, suspended on thin steel rods, appear to float in the large open space of an atrium that reaches to the top of the building. The bigger will be a classroom that can hold 60 students. The top, which is flat, will be a reading room that offers spectacular views of the city. The smaller accommodates 25, with a faculty lounge on top."

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