Friday, May 13, 2011

World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) - May 14

What a happy place we live in when we can celebrate World Naked Gardening Day on Saturday, May 14, 2011. I think that this would be a much easier event to photograph than the World Naked Bike Ride, you just have to get dirtier. The weekend is supposed to be rainy so at least your clothes will not get wet.

This is what WNGD website says "Why garden naked? First of all, it's fun! Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family-friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude."
I will be in Frankenmuth, MI this weekend so I won't have a chance to garden naked. For those that do - have fun swinging in the rain. Next year I will have to look for people that want their pictures taken for this or any other World Naked event.

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