Sunday, May 22, 2011

FunExpo: Star Wars in Welland

The 501st Canadian Garrison, Rebel Legion, Force United Niagara and the London Rogues Star Wars characters were the highlight of the FunExpo held May 21, 2011 at the Arena in Welland, Ontario. The show helped raise funds for the charity 'Help A Child Smile' while selling plenty of toys and much, much more (and it was free admission).

See lots more photos after the jump.

A baby Wallaby from Exotic Critter Tales
The loveley Lovina in cosplay costume with great blue eyes
Mr America action figure

Baby Yoda

Darth Vader, an AT-ST vehicle and some Ewoks
A little boy dressed as Darth Vader does the VW commercial pose
I join some stormtroopers at the show

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