Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th - get your Port Dover on

Bad luck? Not for your motorcycle rider. Today is the day (Friday, May 13, 2011) for the Friday the 13th Motorcycle Rally in Port Dover. The still sleepy town comes to life when thousands of choppers fill the air with the noise of so much chrome, leather and pumping pistons filling the town. This is it for Friday the 13th in 2011 - the next one will be January 13, 2012 (cold, cold, cold), April 13, 2011 (still cold) and July 13, 2012 (now how can that be any better time!).
leather, fringe and tattoos

Toronto loves motorcycles, they can park almost anywhere in Toronto and sometimes you see large groups of bikes down near Union Station. I am sure many of them are in the Lake Erie town right now - partying the day away.

See more Toronto bikes after the jump.

Toronto also loves scooters!
This is as close to naked bikers that Toronto gets to see. With the cool, rainy spring it also may be more naked bikers than they will see in Port Dover.

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