Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Festival central

Toronto plays host to some exciting events that focus the attention of the world onto our fair city.

The arts festival Luminato begins this week and takes place from June 5th to the 12th. Preparations are now underway at Yonge-Dundas Square.

Toronto's Pride Week is June 19th to the 28th.

Much Music Video Awards hits town on June 21.

The TD Canada Trust Toronto Jazz Festival for the more musically inclined from June 26th to July 5th.

Just for laughs runs from July 15 to the 19th, 2009. I have been to a few Just for laughs shows and they are great fun. I also love when they close down Yonge Street and have a weird street festival. Here is a short clip of a praying mantis destroying Toronto from the 2008 festival.

Toronto's most famous festival being the http://tiffg.ca/default.aspx, or TIFF, that runs in September. A TIFF tent has been setup in the park area beside City Hall and this tent is the Festival Box Office (their phone number is 416-968-FILM or toll free 1-877-968-FILM). Inside the tent preferred ticket packages can be purchased by donors (if they use visa) and then on July 13 everyone can purchase tickets to the festival. If you want to donate to the festival you can visit tiff.ca to support the film-lovers festival.

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