Thursday, October 11, 2012

International Day of the Girl

Because I am a Girl in #Toronto! Yonge-Dundas Square celebrated the Day as part of the Canada wide @biaagcanada events on Thursday October 11, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm. The family friendly event asked people to wear pink to show support for the cause.
"A first-ever Day of the Girl celebration, including a concert by our newest Celebrated Ambassador Alyssa Reid, a refreshing Pink LemonAid stand, an interactive art exhibit, and a Because I am a Girl pop-up-shop, so you can wear the cause!"
This year the focus is on girls' education which helps girls, their families and their communities to rise out of poverty. Girls around the world do not have a chance to obtain education so in the next five years the Because I am a Girl campaign hopes to support 4 million girls get an education.

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